Schimmel Karriere Titelbild



Start your career at Schimmel now

Schimmel is the leading German premium manufacturer of grand and upright pianos with headquarters in Braunschweig. With around 250 employees at two locations, the traditional manufactory produces high-quality pianoforte instruments whose quality is recognized worldwide.

The traditional company realizes well over half of its turnover with its craftsmanship abroad and, as an innovation leader, exports its first-class instruments all over the world.

Renowned institutions such as the Musikhochschule in Hanover, the Royal Academy of Music in London and the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris trust in the instruments of our traditional manufacture.

We see our employees, with their love of detail and dedication for perfection, as the key to our success and our greatest asset. Living diversity is therefore an integral part of Schimmel's corporate culture.

Take a look at our current job advertisements and become part of the team.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Dorota Rybicka on the telephone number +49(0)531/8018-155.

There are currently no open job vacancies

Grafikdesigner (m/w/d) in Teilzeit

We are looking at the earliest possible date for a Grafikdesigner (m/w/d) in Teilzeit (17,5 Std./Woche) mit neugierigem Wesen und Hands-on-Mentalität sowie einem hohen Anspruch an Qualität.

  • Unterstützung des Marketing-Leiters im Tagesgeschäft
  • Hüter des Corporate-Designs, mit der Fachkompetenz, Adaptionen und Weiterentwicklungen selbstständig vorzunehmen
  • Konzeption, Gestaltung und Umsetzung von Print-Produkten wie Anzeigen, Broschüren, Flyer, Plakaten etc.
  • Vorbereitung und Abwicklung von Druckprozessen
  • Koordination der Produktion von Werbemitteln
  • Bearbeitung von Bildern, Erstellen von Grafiken und Composings
  • Pflege der Website inkl. Erstellen von Content-Management auf Basis von Templates wie WordPress
  • Assistenz bei der Planung und Durchführung von Messeorganisationen
  • sowie weitere organisatorischen Aufgaben.
  • Sie haben eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum Grafikdesigner (m/w/d) oder Mediengestalter (m/w/d) oder vergleichbare Qualifikationen
  • Sie verfügen ggf. über erste Berufserfahrung in der Mediengestaltung bzw. im Grafik Design
  • Sie haben sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
  • Sie bringen fundierte Kenntnisse in gängigen Grafikdesign-Programmen (wie Adobe Creative Suite und WordPress) sowie Grundkenntnisse in MS Office mit.
  • Sie verfügen über eine ausgeprägte Kommunikations- und Teamfähigkeit
  • Sie bringen Talent im ästhetischen Gestalten bzw. ein typografisches Feingefühl sowie einen hohen gestalterischen Anspruch mit und beherrschen ihr Handwerk bis zur Druckvorstufe
  • Sie zeichnen sich zudem durch hohe Eigeninitiative, Flexibilität sowie eine strukturierte und serviceorientierte Arbeitsweise aus.
  • interesting activities and varied challenges
  • collegial team and pleasant working atmosphere
  • pay according to collective agreement, holiday pay and Christmas bonus
  • 30 Tage Urlaub im Jahr (bei einer 5-Tage-Woche)
Nehmen Sie die Herausforderung an? Dann freuen wir uns auf Sie! Senden Sie uns Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen mit dem frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermin:

Außendienstmitarbeiter (m/w/d)

Als Rentennachfolge für unseren langjährigen Mitarbeiter suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen Außendienstmitarbeiter (m/w/d) für Frankreich, BeNeLux und die Schweiz.

  • Beratung und Verkauf im B2B-Segment
  • Angebotserstellung und -nachverfolgung, selbständiges Führen von Vertragsverhandlungen bis zum Abschluss
  • Aufbau und Pflege von Kundenbeziehungen: Betreuung bestehender und Gewinnung neuer Kunden
  • Entwicklung einer gezielten Key-Account-Strategie
  • Vorbereitung, Terminplanung und Durchführung von Vertriebsaktivitäten
  • Realisierung der Vertriebsziele
  • Koordination einer Jahresabsatz- und Umsatzplanung unter Einbindung der Kundenprofitabilität in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Vertriebsleiter
  • Laufende Markt- und Wettbewerbsbeobachtung
  • aktive Teilnahme an internationalen Messen
  • 50% Außendiensttätigkeit im Verkaufsgebiet, 50% Vertriebstätigkeit am Stammsitz Braunschweig
  • sowie weitere organisatorischen Aufgaben
  • Eine erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung im kaufmännischen Bereich oder ein betriebswirtschaftlich oder technisch ausgerichtetes Studium
  • Kundenorientierte Denk- und Handlungsweise
  • Erfahrung im Vertrieb
  • Positive Ausstrahlung, aufgeschlossene, kontaktfreudige Persönlichkeit, souveränes Auftreten
  • Kommunikationstalent, sehr gute Ausdrucksfähigkeit in Wort und Schrift (Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch)
  • Strukturierte, lösungs-, prozess- und ergebnisorientierte Arbeitsweise
  • Reisebereitschaft mit Schwerpunkt Europa; PKW-Führerschein
  • Beherrschung gängiger Software wie MS Office etc.
  • interesting activities and varied challenges
  • collegial team and pleasant working atmosphere
  • pay according to collective agreement, holiday pay and Christmas bonus
  • 30 days of holiday per year
  • Dienstfahrzeug 1%-Regelung

Do you accept the challenge? Then send us your application documents, stating the earliest possible starting date:

Betriebselektriker (m/w/d)

Als Rentennachfolge für unseren langjährigen Mitarbeiter suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen Betriebselektriker (m/w/d) mit neugierigem Wesen und Hands-on-Mentalität sowie einem hohen Anspruch an Qualität und Präzision.
  • Installation, Wartung und Reparatur von elektrischen Betriebs-, Produktions- und Verfahrensanlagen, von Schalt- und Steueranlagen bis zur Einrichtung der Kommunikations- und Beleuchtungstechnik
  • Anlagenverantwortliche gemäß DIN VDE 0105-100
  • Elektrische Erst- und Wiederholungsprüfungen an Maschinen nach DIN EN 60204-1 (VDE 0113-1)
  • Prüfung elektrischer Geräte nach DGUV-V3
  • Begleitung und Durchführung von Neuinstallationen und Umbauten
  • Unterstützung und Koordination von Fremdfirmen sowie behördlicher Prüfungen
  • Kosten- und Anlagenoptimierung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Betriebsleitung.
  • abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Elektriker / Elektroniker / Elektroinstallateur (m/w/d) oder in einem vergleichbaren Beruf
  • sehr gutes technisches Verständnis
  • Grundkenntnisse im Bereich Steuerungstechnik
  • hydraulische und pneumatische Grundkenntnisse
  • selbstständige und zuverlässige Arbeitsweise
  • Teamfähigkeit und gute kommunikative Fähigkeiten
  • zunächst auf 12 Monate befristete Stelle
  • interesting activities and varied challenges
  • collegial team and pleasant working atmosphere
  • 35.5 hours/week
  • tarifliche Vergütung (ab 23,19 €/Stunde), Prämie, Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld
  • 30 days of holiday per year

Do you accept the challenge? Then send us your application documents, stating the earliest possible starting date:

(Compulsory and/or pre-) internship in the area of social media/content creator

For the field Social Media/Content Creator we are looking at the earliest possible date for an Intern (m/f/d) with a curious nature and hands-on mentality.

  • Supporting the existing team in day-to-day business
  • Creation and editing of images, videos, graphics and composings
  • Deepening your knowledge and skills in marketing, social media, graphic design, etc.
  • Independent supervision of an assigned project
  • Students in the field of communication sciences, media sciences, journalism or marketing or in a comparable field of study
  • Confident handling of MS Office programs and the Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Interest in art, music, photography and digital media
  • Outstanding communication skills, verbal and written
  • Structured, pragmatic and solution-oriented way of working as a team player
  • Multilingualism (very good written and spoken English)

Do you accept the challenge? Then send us your application documents, stating the earliest possible starting date:

Internal Sales Representative (m/f/d)

We are looking at the earliest possible date for a Internal Sales Representative (m/f/d).

  • order processing from order entry to invoicing
  • preparation of all necessary shipping documents for domestic and foreign shipping, including the required customs documents
  • arrangements with forwarding agents and courier services regarding costs, delivery dates, etc.
  • written and telephone correspondence with our national and international customers
  • coordination of shipping between the main plant in Braunschweig and our subsidiary in China as well as our branch plant in Poland
  • data maintenance in ERP (SAP Business One) and/or sales systems
  • general administrative work, including correspondence in German and English language
  • Successfully completed commercial vocational training, e.g. as an industrial administrator (m/f/d)
  • work experience in internal sales and export is desirable
  • very good German and English language skills
  • very good user knowledge of MS Office programs and experience in the daily use of an ERP system
  • distinct service and customer orientation
  • independent and structured work style
  • ability to work in a team
  • interesting activities and varied challenges
  • collegial team and pleasant working atmosphere
  • 35.5 hours/week
  • pay according to collective agreement, holiday pay and Christmas bonus
  • 30 days of holiday per year

Do you accept the challenge? Then send us your application documents, stating the earliest possible starting date:

Piano Maker (m/f/d)

In order to expand our team, we are looking for two Piano Maker (m/f/d) with a curious nature and hands-on mentality as well as a high demand for quality and precision. The place of employment is Braunschweig. Whether you are just out of training, a career starter or already have professional experience - we look forward to hearing from you!

  • tuning pianos and grand pianos
  • regulating pianos and grand pianos
  • intonation of pianos and grand pianos
  • as well as other piano-making tasks
  • completed training as a piano maker (m/f/d)
  • high quality standards
  • quick comprehension with the ability to think in complex ways
  • physical resilience
  • ability to work in a team
  • permanent employment contract
  • interesting activities and varied challenges
  • collegial team and pleasant working atmosphere
  • 35.5 hours/week
  • pay according to collective agreement, holiday pay and Christmas bonus
  • 30 days of holiday per year

Do you accept the challenge? Then send us your application documents, stating the earliest possible starting date:

Master Piano Maker (m/f/d)

We are looking at the earliest possible date for a Master Piano Maker (m/f/d) with a curious nature and hands-on mentality as well as a high demand for quality and precision. We offer independent work and a quick assumption of responsibility in an internationally active and regionally anchored company. The place of employment is Braunschweig, Germany.

  • functional and personnel management of the technical/sound department (sound hall) with approx. 20 employees of different professions
  • independent organization in the department
  • ensuring the qualitatively and quantitatively specified work according to the production plan
  • close cooperation with internal service providers (purchasing, warehouse, departments within production, etc.)
  • as well as other general administrative tasks in day-to-day business
  • completed training as a piano maker (m/f/d) as well as further training as a master craftsman
  • technical know-how
  • manual dexterity
  • high quality standards
  • team and leadership skills
  • permanent employment contract
  • interesting activities and varied challenges
  • collegial team and pleasant working atmosphere
  • 35.5 hours/week
  • pay according to collective agreement, holiday pay and Christmas bonus
  • 30 days of holiday per year

Do you accept the challenge? Then send us your application documents, stating the earliest possible starting date:

Training position as piano maker (m/f/d)

For the trainee year 2023, we have two training positions as piano maker (m/f/d) available. The training lasts 3.5 years and takes place full-time at our company in Braunschweig and as a block course at the Oscar Walcker School in Ludwigsburg.


During your training with us, you will learn how to work with various materials as well as the manual activities of a piano maker to produce a piano. During the various work processes in the sound body construction and in the sound-technical department, such as stringing, installation of the mechanics or also regulating the action and tuning the instrument, you will continuously gain profound insights into the entire production chain of the company.

  • a good Hauptschul- or Realschulabschluss (secondary school leaving certificate)
  • Interest in musical instruments
  • manual dexterity
  • high quality standards
  • ability to work in a team
  • interesting activities and varied challenges
  • collegial team and pleasant working atmosphere
  • 35.5 hours/week
  • pay according to collective agreement, holiday pay and Christmas bonus
  • 30 days of holiday per year

Do you accept the challenge? Then send us your application documents, stating the earliest possible starting date:

Office administrator with IT affinity (m/f/d)

To expand our team as of 01.01.2023 we are looking for a Office administrator with IT affinity (m/f/d).

  • IT support: maintenance of software and hardware, implementation of updates, maintenance of firewalls, error analysis, processing and resolution of system error messages, etc.
  • IT documentation, preparation of various statistics, reports, evaluations, etc.
  • active cooperation with external providers on further IT projects
  • user and system support in the area of our ERP system (SAP Business One) including processing of malfunctions
  • maintenance and implementation of master data in cooperation with the specialist departments
  • revision, maintenance and creation of parts lists, work schedules and time schedules in cooperation with specialist departments
  • and other administrative tasks
  • successfully completed professional training as an industrial management assistant (m/f/d) or a comparable training/qualification
  • profound knowledge of MS-Office
  • work experience with ERP systems
  • preferably experience in the field of REFA
  • enthusiasm for new technology and digitalization
  • proficient in written and spoken English
  • quick comprehension, independent and structured way of working, ability to work in a team
  • interesting activities and varied challenges
  • collegial team and pleasant working atmosphere
  • 35.5 hours/week
  • pay according to collective agreement, holiday pay and Christmas bonus
  • 30 days of holiday per year

Do you accept the challenge? Then send us your application documents, stating the earliest possible starting date:

Purchasing and Magazine Administrator (m/f/d)

To expand our team at the earliest possible date, we are looking for a Purchasing and Magazine Administrator (m/f/d).

  • Operational support of the technical buyer in the day-to-day business
  • Maintenance of master data in the ERP system (SAP Businnes One)
  • Order processing based on purchase order specifications or direct demand display in the ERP system (SAP Businnes One)
  • Review and processing of order confirmations
  • Monitoring and coordination of delivery dates
  • Regular check of material availability (inventory control)
  • Obtaining quotations and delivery conditions, analyzing offers and preparing order decisions
  • Processing of incoming goods claims
  • Vacation and sick leave replacement in the warehouse: including receiving goods, picking goods for production and filling material stations (bays) set up in the production area, independently and autonomously ordering scan and kanban items, etc.
  • as well as other administrative tasks as required
  • Successfully completed commercial vocational training, e.g. as an industrial administrator (m/f/d)
  • initial work experience is desirable
  • very good user knowledge of MS Office programs and experience in the daily use of an ERP system
  • distinct service and customer orientation
  • independent and structured work style
  • ability to work in a team
  • interesting activities and varied challenges
  • collegial team and pleasant working atmosphere
  • 35.5 hours/week
  • pay according to collective agreement, holiday pay and Christmas bonus
  • 30 days of holiday per year

Do you accept the challenge? Then send us your application documents, stating the earliest possible starting date:

Metal worker / fitter (m/f/d)

To expand our team at the earliest possible date, we are looking for a Metal worker / fitter (m/f/d).

  • Manufacture and assembly of various metal products (series production)
  • Mechanical and manual metalworking: professional rolling, sawing, welding, grinding, riveting and screwing
  • Testing, treating and protecting metal surfaces
  • Quality inspection of the constructions
  • Maintenance and repair work
  • Documentation of the work carried out
  • as well as other tasks as a metal worker.
  • Successfully completed training in the industrial or technical field or comparable qualifications
  • Experience in working with metal is required
  • Experience in working on a CNC machine desirable
  • independent and structured work style
  • Flexibility
  • ability to work in a team
  • interesting activities and varied challenges
  • collegial team and pleasant working atmosphere
  • 35.5 hours/week
  • pay according to collective agreement, holiday pay and Christmas bonus
  • 30 days of holiday per year

Do you accept the challenge? Then send us your application documents, stating the earliest possible starting date:

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